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Ka Hei Chow

My passion is Geospatial

I am a

  • Geospatial Data Scientist
  • Remote Sensing Specialist
  • Machine Learning Scientist
  • Nature Lover

A geoscientist from Hong Kong passionate about big data, remote sensing, and machine learning for sustainable business. Former climate risk consultant at the World Bank experienced in climate research, building machine learning models and developing geospatial data products.

Python, R, GIS, Google Earth Engine

Through core numerical data processing, geospatial analysis, machine learning, and computer vision, my work contributes new ways of mapping diverse earth surface processes using remote sensing and geodata.

Time Series Analysis

Remote Sensing

Building a data solution to efficiently transform satellite imagery into quantitative insights at both regional and global scales
Google Earth Engine

Cloud Computing

Leveraging big data, cloud-based analysis powerfully drives scientific research and informs evidence-based business decisions
Optical Imagery

Big Geosptial Data

Modern GIS, working with large and multi-dimensional data, provides effective solutions for optimizing resource utilization
Natoque Vitae

Climate Risk

By investigating the past, measuring the present, and modeling the future, we assess how climate change impacts the environment and modern society
Dolor Penatibus

Artificial Intellegence

Deep learning leverages big data to facilitate spatial decision-making, regardless of its complexity
Orci Convallis

Statistical Modeling

Combining big geospatial data with modeling enables you to effectively discover reliable, data-driven solutions


Some of the data science projects I have contributed to.

Research Interest


Climate Change Impacts


Natural Hazards



My Journey


Exchange @ Australian National University

Here I had my first experience in remote sensing


M.Sc. @ University of Würzburg

Here I devoted fully into earth observation


Research @ German Aerospace Center

Here I took part in climate change research


Consultant @ World Bank Group

Here I applied my knowledge globally

Pastime in nature