As mentioned in the instructions, all materials can be open in Colab as Jupyter notebooks. In this way users can run the code in the cloud. It is highly recommanded to follow the tutorials in the right order.

This notebook aims to intrduce users to the Pandas library, a useful tool for tabular data manipulation. Its capabilities are similar to Excel but it is much more flexible and can manage huge datasets in an efficient manner.



Pandas Series

We have learnt about lists, which are a simple way to handle information. Pandas however includes many additional features to handle data, such as handling missing data and indexing objects with text. The corresponding form of a list in Pandas is a Pandas series, which can also be understood as a column of the Pandas dataframe. A Pandas Series can be created using pd.Series().

import pandas as pd
names = pd.Series(['登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥', '秋登兰山寄张五',' ','入峡寄弟'])
0    登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥
1          秋登兰山寄张五
3             入峡寄弟
dtype: object

Nearly all of Python's built-in string methods are mirrored by a Pandas vectorized string method. Here is a list of Pandas str methods:

len() lower() translate() islower()
ljust() upper() startswith() isupper()
rjust() find() endswith() isnumeric()
center() rfind() isalnum() isdecimal()
zfill() index() isalpha() split()
strip() rindex() isdigit() rsplit()
rstrip() capitalize() isspace() partition()
lstrip() swapcase() istitle() rpartition()

Although many of the strings methods are not applicable to Chinese languages, some functions can still be really helpful.

For example,

names.str.startswith('秋') # looking for an item that starts with a character
0    False
1     True
2    False
3    False
dtype: bool
names.str.isspace() # looking for whitespace
0    False
1    False
2     True
3    False
dtype: bool
names.str.find('秋') # look for where (index) is a character
0   -1
1    0
2   -1
3   -1
dtype: int64
names.str.split(pat="") # split characters
0    [, 登, 江, 中, 孤, 屿, ,, 赠, 白, 云, 先, 生, 王, 迥, ]
1                      [, 秋, 登, 兰, 山, 寄, 张, 五, ]
2                                        [,  , ]
3                               [, 入, 峡, 寄, 弟, ]
dtype: object
names.str.extract('([A-Za-z]+)', expand=False) # look for letters (this is called regular expression, you will learn about it later)
0    NaN
1    NaN
2    NaN
3    NaN
dtype: object
names.str.findall(r'^[秋].*$') # find item with characters
0           []
1    [秋登兰山寄张五]
2           []
3           []
dtype: object

There are also some methods that allow convenient operations:

Method Description
get() Index each element
slice() Slice each element
slice_replace() Replace slice in each element with passed value
cat() Concatenate strings
repeat() Repeat values
normalize() Return Unicode form of string
pad() Add whitespace to left, right, or both sides of strings
wrap() Split long strings into lines with length less than a given width
join() Join strings in each element of the Series with passed separator
get_dummies() extract dummy variables as a dataframe
names.str[0:1] # get the first character only
0    登
1    秋
3    入
dtype: object
names.str.split(pat=',').str.get(0) # get first clause
0      登江中孤屿
1    秋登兰山寄张五
3       入峡寄弟
dtype: object

We can even get some statistics about the length of our text using describe():

count     4.000000
mean      6.250000
std       5.123475
min       1.000000
25%       3.250000
50%       5.500000
75%       8.500000
max      13.000000
dtype: float64

We can also create a Pandas DataFrame from a dictionary: while the keys will be used as the name of the column in the Pandas DataFrame, the values will be used as the data (rows).

Let's build a data frame using capital names for Qin and Han dynasties as an example.

dictionary = {
    'Time': ['','– 677 BC','677 BC –','– 383 BC','383 BC – 250 BC','350 BC – 207 BC','202 BC','202 BC – 200 BC','200 BC – 8 BC'],
    'Dynasty': ['Qin','Qin','Qin','Qin','Qin','Qin','Han','Han','Han'], 
    'Capital': ['Xiquanqiu','Pingyang','Yong','Jingyang','Yueyang','Xianyang','Luoyang','Yueyang','Changan']
     } # remember all column in the data frame have to have the same length

df = pd.DataFrame(data=dictionary) # use pd.DataFrame() and put the dict as an argument
Time Dynasty Capital
0 Qin Xiquanqiu
1 – 677 BC Qin Pingyang
2 677 BC – Qin Yong
3 – 383 BC Qin Jingyang
4 383 BC – 250 BC Qin Yueyang
5 350 BC – 207 BC Qin Xianyang
6 202 BC Han Luoyang
7 202 BC – 200 BC Han Yueyang
8 200 BC – 8 BC Han Changan
df = df.set_index('Time') # we can also set text as index
Dynasty Capital
Qin Xiquanqiu
– 677 BC Qin Pingyang
677 BC – Qin Yong
– 383 BC Qin Jingyang
383 BC – 250 BC Qin Yueyang
350 BC – 207 BC Qin Xianyang
202 BC Han Luoyang
202 BC – 200 BC Han Yueyang
200 BC – 8 BC Han Changan

To view only the first row:

Dynasty Capital
Qin Xiquanqiu

To view only the last row:

Dynasty Capital
200 BC – 8 BC Han Changan

In order to get a better understanding of the group characteristics, we can also use the groupby function. It is used with a groupby() followed by a method().

For example, we can use groupby("Dynasty").count() to count number of rows (number of capital) in each dynasty.

Remarks: Index cannot be used as the groupby object.

Han 3
Qin 6

Data Manipulation

After understanding what is a Pandas Series and what is a Pandas DataFrame, we can start with some basic manipulation using a data frame. Let us start with an example to build a Pandas dataframe from a text file.

First, we upload a text and select the titles.txt file (it can be found in the data folder).

from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()

for f in uploaded.keys():
    file = open(f, 'r')
    titles =
Upload widget is only available when the cell has been executed in the current browser session. Please rerun this cell to enable.
Saving titles.txt to titles (1).txt

Then, we can split the text into paragraphs (separated by two new lines) and sentences (separated by one new line).

titles = titles.split("\n\n") # two new lines
titles = [lines.split('\n') for lines in titles] # one new line, done in a list comprehension
titles[0:2] # check the first two items we have: 卷159_1 and 卷159_2
[['卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然',
 ['卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然',

We can also check how many titles (卷) are there:


Then we construct our dataframe:

import pandas as pd # In case library is not imported

df = pd.DataFrame({"content": titles}) # construct a data frame using a dictionary
0 [卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然,   从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。...
1 [卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然,   悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下...
2 [卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然,   南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何...
3 [卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然,   北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟...
4 [卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然,   吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。,...

We realize that the content column is quite messy as it contains different information such as title, author name and the content itself. So we want to set up different new columns:

1) title: The title

2) content: The text

3) index: Use the text ID (e.g. 159_1) as index

We can set up new columns by simply writing

df["name of the new column"] = [what we plan to put in]

What we plan to put in can be for example, a NumPy array with the same length, or just a number (in this case all rows will have the same value). For example,

import numpy as np
df["test"] = 1

content test
0 [卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然,   从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。... 1
1 [卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然,   悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下... 1
2 [卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然,   南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何... 1
3 [卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然,   北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟... 1
4 [卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然,   吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。,... 1

Or this:

df["test"] = np.arange(0,269)

content test
0 [卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然,   从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。... 0
1 [卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然,   悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下... 1
2 [卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然,   南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何... 2
3 [卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然,   北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟... 3
4 [卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然,   吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。,... 4

We can also add a new row:

df.append({'content': np.nan, 'test': np.nan}, ignore_index=True) # This is temporary only and will not change the data frame itself

# np.nan means missing values
content test
0 [卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然,   从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。... 0.0
1 [卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然,   悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下... 1.0
2 [卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然,   南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何... 2.0
3 [卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然,   北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟... 3.0
4 [卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然,   吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。,... 4.0
... ... ...
265 [卷160_181 「渡浙江问舟中人(一题作济江问同舟人。一作崔国辅诗)」孟浩然,   潮落... 265.0
266 [卷160_182 「初秋」孟浩然,   不觉初秋夜渐长,清风习习重凄凉。,   炎炎暑退茅... 266.0
267 [卷160_183 「过融上人兰若」孟浩然,   山头禅室挂僧衣,窗外无人水鸟飞。,   黄... 267.0
268 [卷160_184 「句」孟浩然,   微云淡河汉,疏雨滴梧桐。,   逐逐怀良驭,萧萧顾乐... 268.0
269 NaN NaN

270 rows × 2 columns

df = df.append({'content': np.nan, 'test': np.nan}, ignore_index=True) # df =  <- now the df is replaced

content test
269 NaN NaN

We can then drop the row (all missing values) and the column again.

df = df.dropna(how="any",axis="index") # this is for dropping all missing values in the rows

content test
268 [卷160_184 「句」孟浩然,   微云淡河汉,疏雨滴梧桐。,   逐逐怀良驭,萧萧顾乐... 268.0
df = df.drop(columns="test") # this is for dropping the column named "test"

0 [卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然,   从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。...
1 [卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然,   悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下...
2 [卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然,   南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何...
3 [卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然,   北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟...
4 [卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然,   吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。,...

Now we finally start with our new columns:

Let's look at one of our data sets: we can see the first item is the ID, title and author name, and the other items are the text. So let us set the first item as title, and the rest of the items as content.

['卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然',
df["title"] = df["content"].str[0] # the first item
df["content"] = df["content"].str[1:] # second to last item
df["content"] = df["content"].str.get(0) # get rid of the [] by extracting the first item from list
content title
0 从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。岁暮登城望,偏令乡思悬。 卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然
1 悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下深,绿筱岸傍密。 卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然
2 南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何盛。 卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然
3 北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟灭。 卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然
4 吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。 卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然
df = df.replace(r'\n',' ', regex=True)  # replace the next line symbol '\n' with empty space
content title
0 从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。岁暮登城望,偏令乡思悬。 卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然
1 悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下深,绿筱岸傍密。 卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然
2 南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何盛。 卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然
3 北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟灭。 卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然
4 吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。 卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然
type(df.title[0]) # title is type of string

Now we can set up a new column "id" and then use it as our index using set_index().

We learnt in the last notebook. (\d+_\d+) means a number followed by _ followed by a number again. This is the pattern used for the extraction of the title column.

df["id"] = df.title.str.extract('(\d+_\d+)')
df = df.set_index("id")

content title
159_1 从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。岁暮登城望,偏令乡思悬。 卷159_1 「从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军」孟浩然
159_2 悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下深,绿筱岸傍密。 卷159_2 「登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥」孟浩然
159_3 南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何盛。 卷159_3 「晚春卧病寄张八」孟浩然
159_4 北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟灭。 卷159_4 「秋登兰山寄张五」孟浩然
159_5 吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。 卷159_5 「入峡寄弟」孟浩然

Now our data frame looks better. But we still want to get rid of the ID, author name, and 「」. To remove them, we replace them with an empty string (""). Save them back to the title column.

df['title'] = df['title'].str.replace('卷(\d+_\d+)', '').str.replace('孟浩然', '')
df['title'] = df['title'].str.replace('「', '').str.replace('」', '')

Let's create df2 now by coping "title" and "content" from df. And set the index using the index from df.

df2 = (df[['title','content']]).set_index(df.index)
title content
159_1 从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军 从禽非吾乐,不好云梦田。岁暮登城望,偏令乡思悬。
159_2 登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥 悠悠清江水,水落沙屿出。回潭石下深,绿筱岸傍密。
159_3 晚春卧病寄张八 南陌春将晚,北窗犹卧病。林园久不游,草木一何盛。
159_4 秋登兰山寄张五 北山白云里,隐者自怡悦。相望试登高,心飞逐鸟灭。
159_5 入峡寄弟 吾昔与尔辈,读书常闭门。未尝冒湍险,岂顾垂堂言。

Finally, we also need to know that conversion between Pandas column and Numpy array is very simple. We can basically select the column and then call .values. Then we get our array.

For example, we can try to convert our title column to array:

df2.title.values[:5] # first 5 items
array([' 从张丞相游南纪城猎,戏赠裴迪张参军', ' 登江中孤屿,赠白云先生王迥', ' 晚春卧病寄张八', ' 秋登兰山寄张五',
       ' 入峡寄弟'], dtype=object)

Data Analysis

After performing some basic processing of our data, let us try to do some analysis based on what we have. Let us say, we want to understand how the key words of season have been used in the text. How many times have they been used and how are they distributed? At the end we want to use the results to make a bar chart and a dispersion plot using matplotlib. We will learn much more about visualization later, but for now we will stick to simple plots.

In case we still have rows with missing values, we use dropna() again to clean our data frame.

df2 = df2.dropna(how="any",axis="index") # this is for dropping all missing values in the rows

Then we calculate the word offset. It is done by geting the length of strings in the content column (.len()) and calculate the cumulative sum of it (.cumsum()). It means that now the values in the rows is not the length of the one title, but the word offset starting from the first character of the first title. We use it as our word offset for the plot later. With (.to_numpy()) we get the list to numpy array.

word_count = df2.content.str.len().cumsum().to_numpy()

array([ 26,  52,  78, 104, 130])

Now we want to look for the keywords for every season. We do it using the find() function and convert the list to numpy. The same is done for every season.

spring_count = df2.content.str.find('春').to_numpy() # for spring

array([-1, -1,  4, -1, -1])
summer_count = df2.content.str.find('夏').to_numpy() # for summer

array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1])
autumn_count = df2.content.str.find('秋').to_numpy() # for autumn

array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1])
winter_count = df2.content.str.find('冬').to_numpy() # for winter
array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1])

Then, we use list comprehension and enumerate() to loop through all items and the index in the array, and save (index + word offset) that is not equal to one.

The resultuing value can be understood as the total word offset of that character starting from the first title. For example, from the next cell we can tell "春" appears in the 82th, 198th, 660th, ... characters.

spring_occur = np.array([v + word_count[i] for i, v in enumerate(spring_count) if v != -1]) # for spring
array([  82,  198,  660,  826, 1094, 1690, 1749, 2077, 2177, 2183, 2333,
       2781, 2853, 3302, 3681, 4091, 4249, 4321, 4351, 5190, 5259, 5297,
       5765, 5902, 6065, 6523, 6571, 6805, 6821])
summer_occur = np.array([v + word_count[i] for i, v in enumerate(summer_count) if v != -1]) # for summer
array([ 407, 3204, 3897])
autumn_occur = np.array([v + word_count[i] for i, v in enumerate(autumn_count) if v != -1]) # for autumn
array([ 366, 1949, 2347, 3455, 3743, 5504, 5649, 6850])
winter_occur = np.array([v + word_count[i] for i, v in enumerate(winter_count) if v != -1]) # for winter
array([], dtype=float64)

Basic Data Visualization

Afterwards, we have our arrays which store information about the occurences of season keywords. We can make a plot out of it using matplotlib. The dispersion plot we are making is based on a scatter plot. We will thus do a scatter plot for every season with custom marker styles.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import library

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,3)) # create an empty plot with defined size

# in the scatter plot function (plt.scatter()), we need X for 1st argument and Y for 2nd argument.
# for X we will put the word offset values for keyword occurence, for Y we will put a constant value from 1 to 4
# because we want the same season in the same row

# np.ones() creates 1 with defined shape, in this case the shape is [length of X,1]
spring_y = 1*np.ones([len(spring_occur),1]) # all 1 (1*1)
summer_y = 2*np.ones([len(summer_occur),1]) # all 2 (2*1)
autumn_y = 3*np.ones([len(autumn_occur),1]) # all 3 (3*1)
winter_y = 4*np.ones([len(winter_occur),1]) # all 4 (4*1)

# scatter plot                
plt.scatter(spring_occur,spring_y, marker=5, s=100, alpha=0.8) # first scatter plot for spring, alpha is transparency of the markers
plt.scatter(summer_occur,summer_y, marker=5, s=100, alpha=0.8) # for summer
plt.scatter(autumn_occur,autumn_y, marker=5, s=100, alpha=0.8) # for autumn
plt.scatter(winter_occur,winter_y, marker=5, s=100, alpha=0.8) # for winter

# set y limits
plt.ylim(0.8, 4.5)

# we want our y labels as text, not number. so here we define them.
labels = ['','Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter']
ax.set_yticklabels(labels, fontsize=12)

# no plot frame is needed

# labels and title
plt.xlabel("Word Offset", fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel("Season Keywords", fontsize=14)
plt.title("Lexical Dispersion", fontsize=16)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Lexical Dispersion')

On another hand, we can also make a bar chart by simply showing the occurence frequency of keywords.

We use count() of the content column from df2 to count the occurence. We need to add sum() to sum up count for all rows, not single row.

spring = int(df2.content.str.count('春').sum()) # spring
summer = int(df2.content.str.count('夏').sum()) # summer
autumn = int(df2.content.str.count('秋').sum()) # autumn
winter = int(df2.content.str.count('冬').sum()) # winter

Now, we can use our results to make another data frame. We do it because having results in a separate data frame makes visualization easier.

count = {'season': ["spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter"],'count': [spring, summer, autumn, winter]}
season = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count)

# set season as index
season = season.set_index("season")
spring 29
summer 3
autumn 8
winter 0

In order to have Chinese characters shown in our plot, we need to download a package and change the font from the Python library. Please just use this code:

!wget -O TaipeiSansTCBeta-Regular.ttf

# import library
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager

# change font setting
mpl.rc('font', family='Taipei Sans TC Beta')
--2021-12-12 20:09:06--
Resolving (, 2607:f8b0:4004:82f::200e
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location:*/1eGAsTN1HBpJAkeVM57_C7ccp7hbgSz3_ [following]
Warning: wildcards not supported in HTTP.
--2021-12-12 20:09:10--*/1eGAsTN1HBpJAkeVM57_C7ccp7hbgSz3_
Resolving (, 2607:f8b0:4004:829::2001
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 20659344 (20M) [application/x-font-ttf]
Saving to: ‘TaipeiSansTCBeta-Regular.ttf’

TaipeiSansTCBeta-Re 100%[===================>]  19.70M  35.2MB/s    in 0.6s    

2021-12-12 20:09:11 (35.2 MB/s) - ‘TaipeiSansTCBeta-Regular.ttf’ saved [20659344/20659344]

Having a Pandas data frame makes visualization simple. We can basically call the dataframe with .plot., followed by the type of plot we want to have. For example, a bar chart is (name of dataframe)


# bar chart, color="#830045")

# labels and title
plt.xlabel("Season", fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel("Occurence", fontsize=15)
plt.title("Description of season in \n孟浩然诗 卷一百五十九 and 卷一百六十?", fontsize=15)

# remove legend and add keywords in the x-axis
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xticklabels(['春','夏','秋','冬'], fontsize=16)

# adjust spacing in plot
<Figure size 1296x432 with 0 Axes>

Previous Lesson: Regular Expression

Next Lesson: Pandas Numerical Operation

Additional information

This notebook is provided for educational purposes only. Feel free to report any issues on GitHub.

Author: Ka Hei, Chow

License: The code in this notebook is licensed under the Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license.

Last modified: December 2021



Displaying Chinese characters

Python Data Science Handbook